Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where in Paris is Rachel Feldman?

The answer to that question: everywhere. I haven't been able to update my blog in a week and a half- eek! So I think friends and family back home (mainly my parents) have been wondering: What am I doing with my life in Paris?

The weather has just been so nice the past week and a half that I have been going around Paris, staying out of my apartment as much as I possibly can. I hear that it rains a lot in autumn, and so I am trying to get done all my outdoorsy stuff for now, and then hang inside the museums during the thunderstorms.

Since it has been so long since I have updated my blog, here is a mini collage of photos from my past week and a half (you can click on the photos to see them full size- I know they are small!)

     Day of visiting the Notre Dame and walking along the Seine! And taking tourist pictures in front of the Louvre (I had to, the block was put there for this purpose...I think) 

Visited the Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs exhibit! Wish I could've taken home a free handbag as a gift... 

Ice Cream in les Jardins des Tuileries after the exhibit, some of the best ice cream in Paris!  

Dinner in the Latin Quarter! With my first crème brûlée
 in Paris, and yes it was absolutely delicious 

Quartier Latin at night 

Galeries Lafayette: one of the biggest and most famous department stores in Paris, with great views of the city from the roofdeck. Also one of the most expensive department stores in Paris, so Claudia and I mainly just toured all 7 floors wishing we could buy everything (don't worry Dad, I didn't) 

Day trip to Versailles, touring the palace and relaxing in the gardens (no, we weren't allowed on the gardens with the cool designs). 


Trip to the Pantheon, with a pendulum clock in the middle. The Pantheon is an old building complete with a crypt underneath where a lot of famous French scientists, authors, politicians, etc. are buried. 

Picnic in the rain by the Eiffel Tower at night- it may have been cold, but at least I get a cool picture like this one! 

One of my favorite things about Paris so far has been all of the daytime and evening picnics in the parks. I love Philly, but we really do not have very many places where this is possible. In Paris there is an abundance of great parks to hang out in for hours, especially enjoying this weather (although today, I finally made the investment in an umbrella- its been proven necessary). I also am ironically grateful for all the walking I've been doing- even though the Metro seems to stop everywhere, we still walk plenty. Good way to work off all the crepes and stay in shape!

After three hours of working on this blog post (my internet here is just as bad as dial-up in the early 2000's), I think I can finally say I have caught up on the past week and half, and I promise to everyone back home that my blog posts will at least be a bit more frequent. But I still feel like I have so much more of the city to see, so hopefully I am not in my apartment too much!

Bonne Soiree!


P.S. Have to add this in here- Go Phillies! (yes I still care about them even when I am not able to stream them online, and we are going to the playoffs, I am sure of it)

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