I looked at my last blog post and realized it was about 2 weeks ago- but it has been an extremely busy 2 weeks! Lots of schoolwork, combined with mom and sis coming to Paris, and a trip to London!
That's right, Sara and Hannah Feldman crossed the Atlantic and came over to Paris for a week. Last time Mom and I were in Paris together, we were wanderers with only a small clue about how the city worked. This time, it was much smoother, and I took them around to see a lot more. It was Hannah's first time in Paris, and I think she enjoyed it! (Except all the walking- she was not a fan) I enjoyed playing tour guide for the week, as well as getting to do the touristy things I hadn't gotten to do yet- like go up in the Eiffel Tower!
On top of the Eiffel Tower: 2012
Throwback! In the Louvre: 2009 (note the extreme change in height differences)
It was also nice to have dinner at real French restaurants for the week- much better than my usual dinner of some sort of pasta concoction.
Hannah and I enjoyed making fun of our mom's obsessive picture taking (don't worry Mom, we love you for it) and did lots of frolicking throughout the museums and gardens together:
Together in the Centre Pompidou (courtesy to my mother for this picture)
Since they came over Thanksgiving, we chose to celebrate it in a great Paris way- Climb to the top of the Arc de Triomphe to see the Champs Elysees at night, and then a delicious dinner on the Champs Elysees. No, we didn't have turkey, but the meal was so good I think it makes up for it.
View from the Champs Elysees on Thanksgiving night
After a very fun filled week with lots of sightseeing, they went home to the US and I jumped on a plane to go to London for a few days. I absolutely loved it- London reminded me a lot of New York, but it definitely has its own personal flair. I also have a small obsession with the royal family, so I especially loved seeing Buckingham Palace.
Future home one day
I also enjoyed taking the tube- Philadelphia subway system, step your game up!
Underground entrance near Westminster Abbey!
I had a small culture shock upon getting to London- it was actually strange for me to be back in a country where everyone spoke English. Even though in France all of us study abroad students speak English to each other, I am still used to hearing another language and using it in shops. I enjoyed being able to read and understand a newspaper again, but I realized I have gotten used to and like being around French all the time.
I officially have one month left in France, so I am trying to do as much as I can within this last month! Hopefully that includes traveling to other parts of France, but with finals and wanting to hang out in Paris we will see where I get to go!
Bonne Nuit!