One of the first questions you ask a native Philadelphian is: Pat's or Geno's?
The two biggest cheesesteak rivals in Philadelphia sit across the street from each other, and almost every Philadelphian prefers one or another (I personally am not a cheesesteak fan, so I have no preference, sorry!) For those wondering, cheesesteaks are basically cut up steak on a long bread roll with melted cheese on top.
Here is a link to a summary of the rivalry, for anyone who may not be familiar with it:
Recently, I have discovered in Paris a similar rivalry. Two food stands, across from each other, both claiming to be the best in Paris.
Paris is known for many of its food items: crepes, baguettes, escargot, etc.
But falafel? Paris is not known for its falafel, but in the heart of Paris is two delicious falafel restaurants that both claim to be the best in Paris.
Falafel Numero Un
Falafel Numero Deux
You may be wondering: what's falafel happen to be doing in Paris?
Well, in Paris there is this area called the Marais. It is one of the biggest upcoming fashion hubs of Paris, with a ton of vintage, boutique, and regular clothing, jewelry, and handbag stores. However, it also happens to be the place where a lot of Jews live, so theres a big Middle Eastern food influence.
Hence, two delicious falafel places.
My verdict? I have eaten at both places, and I can't decide. Falafel Numero Un gives you a lot of veggies in your pita, whereas Falafel Numero Deux gives you more falafel in your pita. There are pros and cons of both. I like them both. Lenny Kravitz has apparently been to Numero Deux, and he claims its the best falafel in the world. But Numero Un is slightly bigger than Deux, and was a bit friendly service (I thought). So, if you happen to be going to Paris, these two rivals are in the heart of one of the best areas in Paris, and you should go and decide for yourself :)
4 more wonderful days left in Paris!
Bonne Nuit,